This low pass filter directional coupler provides a DC voltage at the forward and reflected ports
- Frequency
- 87.5 - 108 MHz
- Power handling
- 800W
- Type
- 9th order Chebyshev
- Insertion loss
- 0.3dB
- Return loss
- -25dB
- Harmonic rejection
- -60dB
- Inductor
- 8 awg
Reviews (3) - Review moderation
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Lpf 2 mter band ada kah bos koko
By Badra Surya M. the 11/16/2017
No Harmonik
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Keliatannya sederhana tapi fungsinya yg sangat penting apalagi daya power lumayan besar jadi mesti wajib pake LPF yg satu ini buat sinyal utuh dengan biaya yg minim saja sdh gak repot2 bikin sendiri lebih rapi product dari RF KIT
By Firman N. the 08/18/2016
LPF kualitas builtup
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perakitannya sangat rapi & professional, gak ada beda dg produk builtup
By Rohman c. the 01/12/2016