RigExpert AA-30 ZERO
RigExpert AA-30 ZERO
RigExpert AA-30 ZERO RigExpert AA-30 ZERO RigExpert AA-30 ZERO

RigExpert AA-30 ZERO

RigExpert AA-30.ZERO is a standard AA-30 analyzer but without enclosure, LCD display and keypad.

But .ZERO even more powerful than the old good AA-30.

Rp 1.450.000 No tax

Rp 1.450.000 Tax excluded

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(5/5) out of 1 total ratings
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RigExpert AA-30.ZERO is a standard AA-30 analyzer but without enclosure, LCD display and keypad.
But .ZERO even more powerful than the old good AA-30.

Why is that ?
Creating AA-30.ZERO we met the numerous wishes of radio amateurs and DIY-hobbyists to give them a measuring tool that can be easily integrated into their own projects.

Are .ZERO ready for use? 
Yes, it has everything necessary on board, so user can connect .ZERO to the PC (through USB-to-RS232 adaptor) and perform all the usual set of laboratory measurements.
.ZERO perfectly works with our AntScope software.

Want to DIY ?
Experienced user can pair .ZERO with the Arduino board making his own hardware/software project. Because .ZERO is compatible with Arduino standard.
Also we have already prepared examples of running .ZERO in the DIY projects.
Want to make your own automatic antenna tuner ? Use .ZERO!
Want to perform RF-circuits or antenna analysis remotely ? Pair .ZERO with the ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoM and do it!
Want to tune your antenna with driven elements sharply ? Use .ZERO to fine tuning.

2 Items
Power Out
+13 dBm
0.06-35 MHz
RF Out Connector
Step Frequency
Sweep Range
MultiSWR Mode
Reactance Measurement
Output Amplifier
CMOS logic chip
Output Signal Shape
SWR Reference impedance
25, 50, 75, 100 Ohm
Battery voltage sensor
External PSU
Ext. 5V
Time Domain Reflectometer mode
Flash memory storing graphs
Multilingual support
English only
Presets for radio amateur bands

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